

Queen Anne, WA

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Used Commercial Fishing Boat For Sale

For Sale

Fishing boat commercial vessel $25,000

Looking for a one of a kind commercial fishing vessel The Fish rite off shore aluminum diesel fishing boat is the real deal. Custom made 1996 22ft Fish rite off shore aluminum diesel fishing boat for sale. Volvo penta engine velvet drive transmission. Fish finder and gps module ...

For Sale

55 commercial fishing boat $575,000

55 crab, salmon, albacore commercial boat. 250 pot Calif. crab permit. Oregon and California salmon permits. Set up as bait or troll for albacore. Steel. Built 1975 by Ross and Bonn. Cummims qsl 9 275 hp diesel. 32 kw Onan generator. Comes with all gear for all three fisheries ...

For Sale

Commercial Fishing boat

commercial Fiber Glass Hull Fishing boat 40x12, 8yr old John Deere 6cyl dieselnew grant motor4k, power inverters , kohlstrand salmon rigs ready to go, autopilot, Long Line gear, and A Valid SALMON permit with vessel. Call 831 two two four six eight four zero

For Sale

Commercial fishing boat $330,000

1990 58 boat. Currently salmon tenders. 855 Cummins35 kw Perkins6500 Honda Generator RSW 18 ton lightly used Packs 60,000 lbsHas separate 25,000 lb hold for gear or ice Great condition Made out of Cypress Recent September 2023 survey $330,000

For Sale

Commercial Fishing Boat $80,000

42 foot commercial crab salmon boat, steel hull wood house. 471 Detroit with 508 twin disc. Hydraulic 5kw generator. Has refrigeration with coils in fish hold. Comes with California salmon with simplex gurdies, Oregon unlimited salmon, CA 175 crab permit with 160 crab pots ...

For Sale

40 Custom Dana Hunter Novi Fiberglass Commercial Fishing Vessel Boat $89,000

40 Custom Dana Hunter NoviFiberglass Commercial Fishing Vessel Priced to sell Very low hours 1300350 HP Cummins Diesel EngineNorthern lights generator 800 Hours3 DuraBrite Lights Very large cabin and large deck15 knot cruiseNew Simrad NSS12 evo2 GPS 12 color screennavigation ...

For Sale

commercial fishing boat , Baha cruiser 2008 $75,000

Sper barco Baha cruiser 2008 con motores Suzuki 2008 con 400 horas el barco est en perfecto estado , es un barco que se puede usar para pescar o pasear. Actualmente est pescando comercial en los cayos de la florida, la razn por la que se vende es porque voy a comprar uno ms grande , este barco ...

For Sale

40 Custom Dana Hunter Novi Fiberglass Commercial Fishing Vessel Boat $89,000

40 Custom Dana Hunter NoviFiberglass Commercial Fishing Vessel Priced to sell Very low hours 1300350 HP Cummins Diesel EngineNorthern lights generator 800 Hours3 DuraBrite Lights Very large cabin and large deck15 knot cruiseNew Simrad NSS12 evo2 GPS 12 color screennavigation ...

For Sale

BRAND NEW, UNWORN Grundens Neptune 219 Commercial Fishing Rain Pants $75

Hello,Selling a pair of brand new, unworn, still in the package, 100 waterproof Neptune 219 Commercial Fishing Waist Pant by Grundens, size L LARGE, color BLACK. Normally sold for $90 tax. Excellent rain and wind pants. Manufacturers descriptionCommercial fisherman were front ...

For Sale

30 Commercial fishing vessel $85,000

30 Roberts Gillnetter Fiberglass Hull has a 3160 Caterpillar Diesel Engine w Twin Disc MG-506 Trans. This vessel comes with a California T-6 250 Pot Crab Permit and California Salmon Permit. Call 661 429 four six four five

For Sale




Used Commercial Fishing Boat For Sale