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Aluminum Runabout Boats For Sale

For Sale

1968 Starcraft, Jet Star 15 Aluminum Runabout $6,000

1968 Starcraft, Jetstar 15 Aluminum Runabout. I have had the boat three years it was refurbished by the gentleman I bought it from. Will put in his description of process at end of ad. The two stroke 48 SPL Johnson runs as it should and has a new prop. The seats have storage ...

For Sale

16 aluminum runabout w 8hp motor $1,750

nice solid boat with no problems. Less than 10 hours on the engine. Trailer is included. $1750. Serious inquiries only please. . Its good how it is, but put in a day or two of work on it and $500, youd have yourself a $8000 boat.

For Sale


WILCOX CRITTENDEN BOAT STEERING CAST ALUMINUM POLSHED 5 CABLE dash mount PULLEY VINTAGE ANTIQUE -from the 1930s-50s-mounts to face of flat dash -popular on old would boats-mounts with 3 bolts-has standard 34 keyed tapered shaft-34 was the most common shaft which is still used ...

For Sale

14ft Runabout Scout Aluminum Boat Spokane

Photo 14ft Runabout Scout Aluminum Boat Spokane

14ft Runabout Scout Aluminum Boat Spokane

Aluminum Runabout Boats For Sale