

Columbus, OH

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USA GIFT America Flag Red White Blue Star Stripe Hat Cap Eyewear Fan $25

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Memorial day America Flag Patriotic FUN PARTY Gift Collection 1 Red White Blue Snapback Baseball Cap Hat Adjustable 22-24 Inches Assumed polyester blend fabric2 Three Speed Star Light Up FUN Eye FramesNo FlashingSlow FlashingFast Flushing3 Foldable Manual Hand Held FanPortable Heat ReliefPatriotic Party Decor PLEASE SAVE BOOKMARK REVISIT my Craigslist page with many new listings coming soonJust tap the more ads by this user linkEach purchase helps finance Collaborating talent and resources for local and global life enhancement projects and community celebration events while earning a living doing what we love and assisting others to do the same SINCE 1993It would also help support my efforts if you could please LIKE Menagerie Treasures Unique Boutique FB Page FOLLOW Menagerie Treasures Pinterest Tina4Music_SavedSUBSCRIBE Menagerie Treasures YouTube ChannelMuch LOVE BlesSINGs $ell your earthly treasures to help those in need and you will have treasures in Heaven Luke 1233MenagerieTreasures MenageriePleasures MenagerieEntertainment PlayItForward LoveAndLight

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