

Columbus, OH

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I am Looking To Buy Hot Wheel Collections $2,500

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I am an avid collector, looking to buy Hot wheels Matchbox Collections. I buy entire collections and will not cherry pick cars. I pay very fair prices, so if you are a collector looking to sell the collection and dont want to hassle with trying to sell them individually online, or doing a garage sale. Or if you have inherited a collection and dont know what to do with it, I can help you put a value on it and offer you a very fair price. I buy old and new, so let me know what you have. I am looking to buy Large collections only not single cars. I am currently looking for JDM Imports, Exotics, RLC Cars, Real Riders Treasure Hunts and Premium cars. I am not really looking for pure collections of basic mainline generic stuff from late 90s and 2000s although if you have that in the collection with other cars that I am looking for I will buy everything.Keywords Hot Wheels, Matchbox, Johnny Lightning, 164, Diecast, Super Treasure Hunts, Jada, m2, Super Treasure Hunts, Redlines, Red Line Club, RLC, Gasser, Skyline, Supra, Rare, STH, TH, Porsche, Lamborghini, Tesla, Hot Rod, Street Rod, Real Riders, Premium, Blue Card.

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