WILCOX CRITTENDEN BOAT STEERING CAST ALUMINUM POLSHED 5 cable dash mount PULLEY VINTAGE ANTIQUE -from the 1930s-50s-mounts to face of flat dash -popular on old would boats-mounts with 3 bolts-has standard 34 keyed tapered shaft-34 was the most common shaft which is still used today-would have had a WILCOX CRITTENDEN-KAINER or SHELLER STEERING WHEEL but can use ANY 34 tapered shaft-the PULLEYs were sold separate owner added their steering wheel-used on wood HYDROPLANE s-RACE RUNABOUT s CRUISER s like CHRIS CRAFT-GAR WOOD- CENTURY-HACKER CRAFT-will POLISH UP BEAUTIFULLY -steel wool included to do it----24 EIGHT -31 FIVE - 381 FIVE