only $15 for all the plants shown in the second picture. Height ranges from 10 to 15 inches tall. They will glow to vibrant colors under the aquarium blue black light.fluval, eheim, marineland, aqueon, all glass, goldfish, betta, cichlid, kamfa, arowana, parrot, flowerhorn, ranchu, telescope, oranda, ryukin, pleco, eel, fire eel, tetra, eco, lion head, turtle, parrot, fluval chi, fluval edge, topfin, schuber wright, ecoxotic, seachem, hiraki, fish tank, aquarium, fish, aquaclear, aqua clear, canister filter, power filter, penguin, aqueon, fish tank, fish, aquarium, biological, nano, hagen, fluval edge, fluval spec, biosphere, bio, api, seachem, biorb, column aquarium, column tank, saltwater, fishwater, light house ornament, ornament, aquarium ornament, bubbly, 20 gallon high, acrylic aquarium, acrylic fish tank, nano tank, canister filter, eheim, fish tank, aquarium, 5.5 gallon, 2.5 gallon, 10 gallon, 15 gallon, 2o gallon, 20 gallon high, 20 gallon high high. 29 gallon, 30 gallon, hex tank, acrylic aquarium, acrylic fish tank, 40 gallon, 50 gallon, 40 gallon breeder, 75 gallon, 65 gallon, 54 gallon, rimless aquarium, rimless fish tank, frameless aquarium, frameless fish tank,