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Fish Tanks Aquarium Business and Accounts $45,000

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Established Fish Tank Aquarium Business and accounts for sale. $45,000. or best offerPrime Established fish tank service for sale because of health problems.My Health problems Or I wouldnt sell a my solid income.You Are Buying a Solid a Monthly and bi-weekly income with weekly growth. Working your own hours and time off. 4 weeks training and unknown trade secrets provided You cannot get this training anywhere in any state. Just Go online and look for it.Generating over $3,850. per mo. each and every month. Min $46,200 per year. proven sales records. that dont include new tank sales, sick calls and any tank moves.Comes with fish tank service equipment I use every week to get the job done. 2 size service barrels and over $7,000. in Custom Decorator Coral replicas to use in fish tank service work. Also comes with Optional 150 Gallon plastic water tank and pump for back of van or truck if needed.Optional use of company website www.cgiaquaticcare.com marketing to 6 cities. jacksonville, Orange Park, Jacksonville Beach, Ponte Vedra FL, Atlantic Beach FL, Saw Grass FL, and Neptune Beach generating 2-5 new paying customers every week, 6-12 new customers per month..with the answering service is Only. $550. mo. to keep that advertising going in those 6 cities. over $20,000 in monthly marketing. Includes operation of website yearly fees and daily answering services.Money well spent to bring 8-12 new paying customer every month.I TURN Down 2-3 New paying customers every week Because of my health problems.You Can grow this to $150,000. per year business if you want it. I only do $45,000 to $50,000. per year now because of health problems. But was doing $75,000 in past years by myself without any helpers. without my health problems.I have been in this business over 27 years, it bought me a house and five new service trucks.If you like working with fish tanks, making your own hours and times off, this is a Great opportunity for someone especially with Over $20,000 in marketing that is running in six cities. for Only $550. per mo. brings in new customers all the time.. That is the Key to the Growth of this business.4 weeks on job training if needed. I have trade secrets in this business you will Not find Anywhere online.Make your own working hours.If this looks like the business for you $45,000. or best offer. Call Richard. .

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