

Queen Anne, WA

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Double Deck Bakers Pride Y602 Ovens $14,995

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This is a Top of the Line Bakers Pride double stack Y600 ovens with eyebrow hood.. Y602Look no futher, you have found the perfect oven for your pizza shop $14995Looks great and works great. Model number Y600 x 2 Y602 Heavy duty construction Natural GAS Works good Dimensions are 78 x 45 x 67 Comes with all stones - no cracks in them POWERFUL 140,000 BTU each deck. 240,000 total BTU New and Used Commercial Refrigeration Cooking Equipment1, 2 3 door reach in freezers refrigerators, Glass door merchandisersSandwich prep tables, Pizza prep tables,Under counter refrigerators freezersIce Machines, Bottle coolers, Fryers, Ranges, Back bar refrigeratorChest freezers, NSF stainless steel sinks, NSF stainless steel work tablesSmall wares.WE buy - SELL - TRADE - MOVE - CONSIGNLIQUIDATE, AUCTION, RESTAURANT EQUIPMENTWe Buy, Trade, Install, and remove WALK IN COOLERSWe REPAIR Refrigeration

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