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BBQ FOOD TRUCK 22-foot-long Rotisserie, Grill and Smoker al $123,456

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There are smokers then there are SMOKERS. This is MO-MO short for the Mizzourah Monster. Its 6 pinwheel rotisseries with 12 inches by 65inch long meat grates. Then it has the center section where you can cook two whole hoggs or 60 briskets 80 port butts then there is a final extension where you can just grill, there is a charcoal grill under neath that one and can cook Hambergs hot dogs etc. while youre still smoking.Then there are two high pressure burners mounted on the rear of the smoker to cook chili, Jumbo Liah, Gumbo etc. This Smoker is a Statement as well as the ability to cook up to 1000 pounds of proteins as well. Note the glow in the dark Tru Tell Thermometers a must for those long nighttime cooks.The Trailer is custom made with brushed Aluminum fenders, Electric Brakes a 7500-pound Tor Flex axle for the ultimate smooth ride, huge wood basket and an electric trailer Jack with removable trailer hitch to help prevent theft. This is a huge smoker that could do events and as well as take care of all the needs of a new BBQ restaurant. Designed and built but a Pitt Master, Master KCBS Judge with over 43 years experienced in professional BBB. He hails from Kansas City arguably the BBQ capital of the world.If youre looking to cook allot of meat or just want to make a statement with your new Swanky BBQ sit down, dine in establishment or a killer roadside BBQ stand this is the smoker for you. This isnt just a smoker its a statement.Also available is a complete licensed and ready to go Turnkey BBQ Food Truck Ready to go. This can be a package or can be sold separately but one could feed hundreds of BBQ loving fans at Bike Events, Football Games, Festivals etc. Complete setup from Smoker to warmers to Bread toasters.

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