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2011 Nissan Juke 6 speed manual ,clean fun and great driver $5,999

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Stylish, great running , driving Nissan Juke EVERYTHING REDUCED For your convenience, I show by APPOINTMENT, Please call ahead and also Please use Google maps Uzdcarz Inc for location. Tired of all the scams Tired of looking JUNK Tired of calling on a fictitious ad that never was for sale Stop wasting your time Save Thousands Call 954-781-2888 ...We sell cars NOT financing, if you are seeking to get put to sleep by financing a car then call someone else. Nos disculpamos ,pero no hablamos espanol .ASK ABOUT our 90 days same as cash We have this car, this price and in this condition as you see it We are Not your typical car dealer and we may not always have what you want but we ALWAYS have what you need Good, clean, reliable transportation for less No games or hassles just quality and value Lower overhead better value and prices to you No fancy showrooms, no expensive websites, not a bunch of salespeople hounding you and No managers bugging you for your phone number. Deal directly with the owner who makes the deal come true Free Carfaxs available on all cars, Trades welcomed, and major credit cards accepted. Flexible sales hours if you have one of those Tough schedules , and we dont ask for your phone number unless we sell you a car We apologize to other dealers for our up-front Honesty and lower pricing The prices listed are for cash or finance SAME LOW PRICE but we only offer 90 day0 interest loans and other short term option loans available . We work hard for your business and sell quality cars trucks and SUVs for less. All of our vehicles are inside stored for your viewing ease. Visit or for all of our inventory. Where over 37 of our business is repeat or referral every month for a reason. Reputation, integrity, value, quality, and . no hassles. Want reliable, reasonably priced transportation and dont want to get married to a car loan Let us help you

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