

Columbus, OH

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16 Del-Magic COUGAR Ski Boat w Johnson 115 HP $3,500

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1978 16 foot Del-Magic COUGAR with 1979 Johnson 115 HPAccording to the previous owner.... THE boat WORKED GREAT ON ITS LAST TRIP IN 2014Bought this boat with the intention of fixing it up over the winter. Suddenly things have become very hectic and I just dont and wont have the time to work on it any time soon. The previous owner had used the boat up to the summer of 2014 when a throttle or shift control cable came loose from the hand shifter up by the steering wheel. It never got fixed and has been sitting every since. See PicI asked to borrow a battery when I was looking to buy it and the motor turned over fine and the power tilt worked fine. Aside from that I didnt do any other testing. If I take the previous owner at his word, then reconnecting the shifter cable and hooking up a battery should be the only things between you and the lake STRONG STURDY HULL, TRANSOM FLOOR NICE CARPET Could use a good scrubbing Removable 3-Point Aluminum Ski Wakeboard Pylon Seating for up to 6 See capacity plate pic for total weight Folding Aluminum Ladder Nice STRAIGHT Prop NO DINGS, DENTS or GOUGES NO RUST Polyethylene 6.6 Gallon Gas Tank Needs Fuel Line Squeeze Bulb Unopened Gallon of TC-W3 Mixing Oil Calibrated Oil Mixing Cup Battery Side Post Style, will have to convert to bolts or wing-nuts 360 Degree Stern Light Attwood Tsunami Bilge Pump Combination Water Skis Kick off for Slalom SKI DOO brand PROFESSIONAL Ski Rope 2 Flotation Cushions Life Jacket XL Ski Style Brand New Braided Dock Line Rope 2 Paddles Heavy Duty Dilly brand Self Centering Trailer Wheeled Trailer Jack Manual Winch NICE Tires FULL TREAD See Pic Bearing Buddies Makes it easy to keep wheel bearings greased Brand New Trailer Lights Installed but not wiredSOLD AS IS NON RUNNING CONDITION NO GUARANTEECLEAN, GREEN TITLES in hand$3,500 OBOCallText 830-5816All sales final.

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